Sunday 30 August 2015

Presentation matters

2 Woman friends chatting in office

Woman 1: I had a fine evening, how was yours?

Woman 2: It was a disaster. My husband came home, ate his dinner in 3 mins & fell asleep in 2 mins. How was yours?

Woman 1: Oh it was amazing! My husband came home and took me out for a romantic dinner. After dinner we walked for an hour. When we came home he lit the candles around the house. It was like a fairy tale!

At the same time, their husbands are talking at work Husband 2: How was your evening?

Husband 1: Great. I came home, dinner was on the table, I ate & fell asleep. What about you?

Husband 2: It was horrible. I came home, there's no dinner, they cut the electricity because I forgot to pay the bill; so I took her out for dinner which was so expensive that didn't have money left for a cab.

We walked home which took an hour & when we got home remember there was no electricity so I had to light candles all over the house!!

Moral: Presentation does matter. No matter what the reality is!!

Wednesday 26 August 2015


ये दुनिया एक किताब हैं

पहाड़, नदियां और जंगल

है पन्ने

आओ इन पन्नों से गुजरें

इस धरती को बांचें!

मनीषा शर्मा~

Tuesday 25 August 2015

चिटकते काँचघर- पुस्तक समीक्षा

चिटकते काँचघर--एक बेहतरीन और दिलचस्प काव्यसंग्रह लगा। इसे पढ़ कर लगा कि यह दिल से लिखा गया काव्य हैं, इसकी रचनाएँ कोई तुकबंदी नहीं वरन लेखक के मन व सोच के वास्तविक भाव को दर्शाती है।

ये काव्य संग्रह तीन भाग में विभाजित किया गया है, जिनमें अधिकतर कविताएँ ब्लेंक वर्स में लीखी गई है।
(1)जीवन (2)विस्मय (3)आभार
तीनों खण्ड अपनेआप में परिपूर्ण हैं।

इस काव्य संग्रह पढ़ कर अहसास हुआ कैसे एक साधारण रचनाकार भी उच्चकोटी की रचना कर बैठता हैं। इन रचनाओं को पढ़ कर लगता है अमित आंतरिक रूप में कितने स्वस्थ और सुसंस्कृत है।

इस पुस्तक के प्रथम भाग (जीवन) को पढ़ कर लगता है रचियता स्वयं को यथासंभव जानता है।

'जीवन' में,
'उदासी''बेकार'हैं।गम न कर 'सीले पटाखो' का,ठहाकों से शोर मचायेंगे आसमां सर पे उठायेंगे! 'हसरतें' 'इश्क' में 'अधुरा' और 'तन्हा' न समझ खुद को 'अँधेरे' से 'रिहाई' का 'वक्त'आ गया हैं। 'सर्दियों की धूप' को 'लिबास' की तरह ओढ़ ले।'ज़िंदगी' को 'रेलगाड़ी' ही बना और हर 'हाल' में 'सफ़र' जारी रख अनवरत, अन्तहीन।कोई 'भूल गया' तुम्हें उसका गम न कर।चुभती हैं 'किरचें' तो कोई 'रफ़ूगर' या 'मरहम' न ढूंढ। एक चमकता 'शरारा' हो तुम,प्यार से सहेजे जाने वाले 'बोन्साई' हो तुम।

इसका दुसरा भाग 'विस्मय' की रचनाओं की गहराई को मैं छू सकती हूं।

'विस्मय'(घबराहट) में,
'शुक्रिया' भी 'शिकायतें' भी 'सदमा' भी और उसका 'भरम' भी। 'बस एक छोटी सी शिकायत' तो नहीं लगती हैं ये'ज़माने के नाम', 'दोस्तों के नाम','रक़ीबों के नाम','आलोचकों के नाम','भाईयों के नाम','दुश्मनों के नाम','उनके नाम', 'प्यारे हमदर्दों के नाम'और 'इश्वर के नाम' अपने नाम भी 'कुछ तो कर दो'।
में अक्षर दिखाई नहीं सुनाई देते हैं। नैनीताल की बारिश महसूस होने के साथ नैनीताल के बदलते स्वरूप का दर्द भी महसूस होता हैं। प्यारी मसूरी अपने आकर्षण में बांधती है।

तीसरा भाग 'आभार'को पढ़ने के पश्चात इतना ही कहना चाहुंगी कि 'आभार' को पाठक पढ़ते समय रचनाकार जो कह रहा हैं उस पर नहीं, बल्कि उसकी रचना जो कह रही है, उस पर विश्वास करें।

सिरखपाऊ किताबों से अलग 'चिटकते काँचघर' सौभाग्य है। आपकी लिखी हुई चीजों को पढ़ने के लिए मैं सदैव उत्सुक रहूंगी।

फिर भी कुछ चीजें है इस किताब में जो खटकती है, जैसे-

1)इसके पन्नों का खालीपन खटकता है, रचनाओं के साथ कुछ स्केच होते तो बेहतर होता, या रचनाएँ पृष्ठ के मध्य में लिखी जाती(बिना स्केच)तो भी ये खालीपन नहीं अखरता।

2)किताब के अंत में 7 पेज 'पाठक प्रतिक्रियाएँ' को देना बहुत ज्यादा लगा।

3)हिंदी हमारी राष्ट्रीय व मातृ भाषा है मगर वास्तविकता यह हैं कि आम बोल-चाल में इसका इस्तेमाल ना के बराबर हो गया है। लेखक अगर एक या दो पेज key के लिए देते तो बेहतर रहता। आप पाठक से ये नहीं कह सकते कि(key न देना यही साबित करता हैं) वो गुगल सर्च कर ले।

बहरहाल, लिखी हुई किसी भी रचना को समझने व उनका मुल्यांकन करने के लिए आवश्यक नहीं कि हम अच्छे लेखक भी हो, आवश्यक होता है कि कितनी सहजता से हम उन रचनाओं को समझ व महसूस कर पाते हैं। 'चिटकते काँचघर' को पढ़ कर पाठक इसकी रचनाओं को महसूस कर पायेंगे।

किताब सम्बन्धित जानकारी-

किताब का नाम- चिटकते काँचघर
लेखक का नाम- अमित अग्रवाल
किताब की कीमत- 199/$15
किताब की पब्लिशिंग कम्पनी का नाम- रोचक पब्लिशिंग
लेखक का संपर्क पता-
लेखक के Blog की Link-

मनीषा शर्मा~

Sunday 23 August 2015

Stick a pin in sadness's balloon

If there is a problem in your life, try to solve it and leave the result in God's hands.

In this world, only atheists can grievance. Because a believer of God or someone who has faith in the supreme power, believes that everything happens the way God or the supreme power wants.

The white bread that we eat, he's the one who turns it into our red blood, he's the one who gives milk in a mother's breast after the childbirth, he's the one who makes it rain after the summer and fills the earth with greenery.... everything absolutely perfect. Not a single mistake. If there would have been any mistake, the world would have scattered into pieces. But the world is intact, which mean everything is just as it should be and is busy doing its work.

Those whose belief in God is steadfast, true and strong, they have no complaints about life and the world. For example- despite my efforts why is there no revolution? Why did I get such a bad wife? Why do my kids do not get a job in any multinational company? Why did I get cancer and not someone else?

If such questions ever gathered in your mind then know that you are criticizing God, you are saying that he had made mistakes. Only those are allowed to grievance and be sad, who do respect the balance of God.

If you believe in that ultimate power then give away all your worries and troubles to "him"; be happy and do your work with certainty. Whether that work is to improve the world, or to make round chapatis.

-Are You sick?

Are you reading this article with open eyes and an open mind? If so then it means that you are not suffering from anything that might prevent your mental/physical capacity. Imagine if you get caught in the clutches of dangerous illness such as jaundice, typhoid or even cancer, then? Just take a look at the book of Pathology, you would get to read about such diseases that will make your head go dizzy.

Thank the lord that you have none of these diseases.

By the way, while no disease have its clutches on you, enjoy your health as much as you can.

If the tongue is working well, then lets enjoy the taste of Gol-Gappai, ice cream and sweets. If your skin is sensitive, then give a sweet kiss to your wife or girlfriend and give a hug to your kids. If you can listen well then listen to a melodious song of your choice. If your breathing works properly then breath in the scent of perfumes. And if your brain functions properly then be happy with the thought that you haven't fallen prey to any disease.

And if you are sick then what's the cause of the sickness? Disease, ie an opportunity for the body, mind and heart to turn lively and healthy while it has the chance. So relax and take your medicine. In the holidays called sickness, take part in things such as Art of Living and all, not only will it give your body but also your mind a new wave of energy.

Opportunities in Illness are easier said than done. So admit it that when you are not sick, such days are easy to be happy.

So do the easy work.

- Do you like sad and irritating people?

Are you always happy? Do you love those who are loving, enthusiastic and are always happy? Do we do that? If not, then we have no right to expect people to always stay happy.

If you live happily then your family, your friends and your neighbors too will make you participate in their joy. But if you are dull, sad, tired, then they too will leave you. Think about it.

-Parae Peedh

God creates humans in such large number, so sometimes some flaws in the product (manufacturing defect) are there too. For example; your wife is the reincarnation of Kaikae, or your brother-in-law talks a lot and drowns you in boredom, your husband is the younger brother of Kans or your boss is a reincarnation of Durwasa Muni. Consequently your mood goes bad, but this is a productive fault, not your fault. Don't fall on your head trying to make anyone better or to make them them walk straight. Why waste your time, energy and peace by thinking about other people's faults. Do not bother yourself if they are around. Tie one thing in a knot, that you must never get upset with finesse, vices and foolishness of other people.

It can be written a hundred times, but what to do? You cannot write it here (not even as a comment) , after all its not a book.

- What is under our control?

We need to understand that, we have control over what?

Those coincidences we face in our life, whose right is on it? Ours? No, coincidences are not in our hands.

Who will be our parents or when what will happen with us, these type of big things are in the hands of God, and how to be happy and how to be sad is left up to us.

We should care about what that is in our control, not about what that is in his control. Let him worry about the circumstances, while you keep the reins of happiness and sadness in your hand. Usually people does this the other way around. The day you get this equation right, you will become one of the happiest person in this world. Simple.

-What to do with this failure?

Those who are in the line of Business wants be the next Dhiru Bhae Ambani. Those who are in the line of computers wants to be the next Bill Gates. There is nothing wrong in such approach, but what yout need to remember is that only one person can stand on the top of the Pyramid, whilst many people will be the foundation of it. Now if the wide foundation goes up and the pointy top goes down then the pyramid will fall and break into many pieces.

You should keep trying to go up. But remember, no human in his life will always move forward. The tree grows up to an extent. After reaching the top of the Everest, one has to come back down. Nobody sits at the top of the Everest with in a tent, as no one would let them do it either. After the morning, evening will arrive no matter what.

The cycle of success and failure keep rolling. If you ever find such a failure then welcome it as a good lesson.

-These events, accidents ...

Tsunami, blasts, earthquakes AIDS, hepatitis A, B, C... these are such diseases that takes lives of millions. Can a human stay happy under the rule of these natural disasters and diseases?

Can and absolutely should be, because through all these things, you are being warned that, "Stay happy, and thank 'Me' for I have not taken you off handed yet."

When your neighbor's house falls down in an earthquake but yours stays intact then it is a message for you, "Son, this could have been your house, but I left you a life to live. These days there are hundreds of automobiles moving around the streets, in fact they are running at their full-speed. Be thankful that so far I have kept you from accidents. So celebrate the festival of living."

There are those who still remain avoided in the countless death attacks, you and I are one of them. He's smiling upon us, so why shouldn't we be grateful?

If after reading this you have realized that it is not too hard to stuck a pin in the balloon of sadness, then gather happiness by sharing this pin to as many people as you can, " ". And tell them: 'Be happy every moment and read " " everyday.'
It will make you happy and me too.

People often make rules in their life. Such as, "I'm going to quit smoking", "I'm going to walk at least 2 kilometers everyday", "If I ever get angry again I will close my eyes and will take deep breaths", "This time I will llose at least 5kg weight"... usually these rules only go on for a few days. What after that? Tak dhin tak.

However, most rules are made to be broken. So take one rule from my hand too, you are allowed to break it as many time as you want. The rule is: "I will always try to be happy". To be honest, this rule will break a lot, because no one in this world can always stay happy. Plus, there is a beauty in sadness. "Sabsai madhur wo geet, jenhai hum dard kai sur mai gaayai."

But the sadness and pain mentioned here are nothing more than stupidity.

Sadness is just an air-filled balloon. Just stuck a pin in it, and the suffering disappears.

Friday 21 August 2015

#Haiku ख़यालात

पन्नों में दर्ज

दिल के ख़यालात

उड़ते फिरें

मनीषा शर्मा~

Wednesday 19 August 2015


एक शमशान हैं मुझमे

बहुत कुछ दफ्न है वहां

शमशान की चारदिवारी में

मैंने एक बागीचा लगा दिया हैं

प्यारी और सुनहरी यादों का

मैं जितना अपने बागीचे को संवारती हूं

जो दफ्न हैं, वो

रह रह कर जिंदा होना चाहते है।।

मनीषा शर्मा~


दूर रहकर भी वास्ता रखना

तुम खतों का ही सिलसिला रखना

राहें उल्फत में हो अंधेरा तो क्या

शमा यादों की तुम जला कर रखना

मुझसे तुम दूर हो, फिर भी

सिलसिला यू ही प्यार का रखना

इसमें लिखी है राज़ की बातें,फिर भी

खत जलाना नहीं, छुपा कर रखना।

~मनीषा शर्मा~

Monday 17 August 2015

Band Lifafa

**Shaadi ke baad pati ne pucha

"tumhare shadi se pehle kitne boyfriend the " ?

Wife ne 1 lifafa dia.

Usme chawal ke kuch dane aur 200rs. the.

Pati: ye kya ?

Wife : mein jab b koi bf bnati thi to 1 chawl ka dana isme dal deti thi.

Pati (dane gin k) bs 7 hi.?

or y 200rs Kyu?

Wife:4 kg chawl bech diye the

Sunday 16 August 2015


माँ की सीख

जब-जब याद आती

उनके आँचल को

थामे होने का अहसास जगाती

इस 'रेडीमेड' के जमाने में

तुम्हारे बनायें

खट्टे-मीठ नीबूं के अचार,

मेरी फ्रॉक पर तुम्हारे कढ़े कशीदे,

वो स्वादिष्ट आटे के लड्डू,

या तुम्हारे बनाएं इडली-सांभर

सब बहुत याद आते हैं

माँ बन के

क्या मैं तुम बन जाऊगी?

अगर मैं तुम नहीं बन पाई तो

मैं माँ कैसे बन पाऊगी?

मनीषा शर्मा~

Friday 14 August 2015

#Haiku खरपतवार

यादें तुम्हारी

खरपतवार सी

फूलों से ज्यादा

मनीषा शर्मा~

खरपतवार = weeds 

Wednesday 12 August 2015


What type of reaction do you want? Is any terrorist attack, the first one? There have been a series of attacks. Then what is it that surprise you? I ask you again, what are you so worried about? Are you worried about the terrorist attacks or about the security apparatus?

Not 24 hours, not several days ago, months ago they gets a warning of the terror attacks, then what surprise? Are you surprised about the terrorist attacks or about the security system? For me, the most shocking is our security, terrorist attacks do not shock me. You are shocked by the terrorist attacks, but I am stunned by the security arrangements. If four men can 'hold' you for hours, then what is so surprising about it? Is your wonder on them (those who attack) or on yourself? Forget about the hotels and police stations, they even enter in our Parliament. Is it not surprising?

So.... Despite it all, you call it 9/11 or 26/11. Meaning, it was your cheek that got slapped but you claim, "The other person got kicked". Why don't you reacted on your pain? Why do you start comparing it with others?

I often pity on my condition and it is very easy for the politicians to turn your attention away from original point.

So when something like this happens in Pakistan, they tempt you and say "Kashmir". When that happens here, they tempt us by saying, "Pakistan". I have no faith in this theory. If there is a terrorist attack in India then believe men there are people in Pakistan who gets concerned, and after every attack in Pakistan there many Indians who gets concerned. Then which enemy are you referring to? All this is just a distraction.

Its all an excuse for the politicians to change your approach. They want want turn attention by shouting, "Pakistan-Pakistan" so that you won't get the chance to question them, "Where were you when this happened and what are you going to do about this now?".

These politicians says every single time, "Let them come this time. Let them and attack again". And each time someone comes and slaps on the cheek. And every time you say, "Let them them try and do that again". Delhi, Mumbai, Punjab and Bangalore.. where didn't they attack? Roads, water and air, they keep coming from each and every corner and all you say is, "Let them try and do that again".

Those who attacked the Taj in Bombay, were the ones who destroyed JW Marriott hotel in Islamabad before coming here. So who are you blaming? 

Those who get here by a 'Boat' are not much of a worry unlike those who get here through 'Vote'. 

Why do politicians try to take advantage of all the great tragedies? People are dying, our own security mechanisms are not adequate to protect us and all you (politicians) can say is "Pakistan-Pakistan!". Our intelligence agencies are getting warnings of attacks consistently, but our preparations are not complete and our administrative services are not even working properly. It is not just about the security of the country, there is also a question of the reputation of this country. Whenever the government does not like the regime, the representative of the country's reputation when representatives are no longer falling. When a government is not working as a government should, when the representatives no longer act as representatives, the country's reputation falls.

Firstly, I am very angry. Then I feel helpless and desperate. Even after such a warning if nobody is willing to take any action, then what can we do? You need to understand that this is a terrorist event, it is not a war between India and Pakistan. Pakistan is thinking about its own safety while we have to think about our own.

Is any politician concerned about it all? After the attack, these statements are all alike. They speak ill about Pakistan, an then talks about patriotism. Do they know that these past years have broken people's spirit? Something which they are not concerned about at all? It's a shame.

Take a look at the security and the quality of weapons provided for the politicians, then take an honest look towards the weapons that police have to use against terrorism. They are using old guns of the Second World War. Police need the money and resources. The issue on which the country should be united on, we are divided on it too. We also should not forget that the police system won't strengthen until it doesn't gets the modern facilities and weapons. Terrorists have a full stock modern weapons, whilst our police is doomed with older than dirt automobiles, old weapons and discomforts. They did not even got the training of the modern weaponry.

Politicians needs to change their behavior. Instead of passing comments such as, "Let them try and kill again" or "Enough is enough", they need to take some action. After every terrorist attack the opposition curses the the government, government curses Pakistan and then Pakistan curses all. Meanwhile, the commoners are getting smashed between the statements of the public leaders, the statement of the general public leaders marker, the consolation of the so called relief money and the stupid questions asked by the media.

First tell me who was the one to great Bhindarwala? Those were the politicians, right? To this date no one is able to prove what type of Chemical Weapons Saddam Hussain had. You were sitting there at home, launching those rockets. This is not a matter of a day or two. To see the depth of this you need to look the Afghanistan that's under the protection of Russia. Will you understand then, what real terrorism is? Don't think of it as a small matter. You need to look at it with an international perspective. Then you will understand who created terrorism and it has become a canker for them.

Behind every terror is Pakistan, Pakistan means Muslims. Then why do you not understand why a Muslim is killing a Muslim in Iran, Afghanistan and in Pakistan. This issue is not religious, its their Jihad. The biggest battle behind this Jihad is that because of your strength, because of your preferment, because of your money, you had everyone on your gunpoint.

Now think for a moment, an eight or nine year old child who grew up in Afghanistan or Iran, what has he/she seen except of the bombing, shelling and demolition of the heap of smoke and gunpowder? All this must be a day to day normality for them. If a bomb dropped there, then run somewhere else and so on and so forth. They become a fighter, a walking suicide bomber, step over the threshold from childhood to youth.

However, if still do not learn anything from these events then history won't forgive us.

Corpses of the terrorists... corpses of their victims... Corpses of our commandos and soldiers... Those beautiful building that are either roasted in fire and damaged by the bullets... This is all that's left in our hands... Now its time for the arrival of the vultures (media and the politicians)... We should now walk away from this place...

Sunday 9 August 2015


वक्त गुजरता नहीं

उम्र बढ़ती जा रही हैं

उम्र वक्त के साथ नहीं

यादों के साथ गुजर रही हैं।

एक दिन मैं भी गुजर जाऊगी

गुजरें वक्त की तरह

मैं भी याद बनकर रह जाउंगी।।

~मनीषा शर्मा

Saturday 8 August 2015

What do you say?

People say marriage brings spice, tears, happiness, flavour and taste to life. I say pani puri does a better job at cheaper cost.

Friday 7 August 2015

क्या करू?

उस दिन तुम्हारे हाथ से
फूलदान गिर कर टूट गया
मैने कहा था
इसे जोड़ दें
तुमने कहा था
टूटा हुआ फूलदान ही तो है फेंक दो
आज न जाने तुम कहा हो
मुझसे मेरी हंसी रूठ गयी है
मेरा दिल टूट गया है
तुम मिलों तो पूछूं
अब क्या करू?
इसे जोड़ दें
अब भी यही कहोगे?
टूटा हुआ दिल ही तो है, फेक दो।।

~मनीषा शर्मा

Thursday 6 August 2015

The right to live..

Human is the only animal who hunts even though he's not hungry.

Some questions, give their answers to yourself, not to me. And do not lie to yourself when giving these answers.

1 = You are shouting that you love animals, but you continue to eat them?

2 = At home, do you think of meat as a special dish and see lentil-vegetable as plain and simple.

3 = You eat medicines because of high-cholesterol but have not stopped eating meat?

4 = When someone tells you that what you are eating was brutally killed, do you reply with, "It is not as if I killed it" ?

5 = If kids do eat meat then do you force them by saying, "If you do not eat it then you won't become strong" ?

6 = Given the state of the heart when the doctor says that you should give up meat then do you jump up and say, "Can I at least eat fish and chicken?"

If you say yes to these questions then you should know that you have meat addiction.

Can tell who was, Krishna, Mohammed Hussain and Jesus Christ? Perhaps you will say that these were God, Prophet and God's Son. You have to note the fact that the three of these were shepherds too. These three dedicated their life to animals, why? Why are animals placed before the world as an example of love and tolerance? There must be something special in these innocent birds and animals, that even the God was attracted to them. Now test your logic against these facts. By ignoring the guidance of the creator, torturing these helpless animals and then taking away their right to live, aren't you slapping on the face of the same God, Prophet and the Son of God? And all this for what? Not to meet any need, but only for the sake of momentary taste. You can feed from many more resources, then why this negative karma?

Any good work done for animals is as commendable as any good work done for a human. Heartlessness against animals is as bad as heartlessness against humans.

-Cut off your finger one day, or give this pain to someone you love. You cannot even bare to think of such things, then why...?

- Just imagine, one day suddenly a family member disappears and you find him/her hanging in the meat market to be sold off.

-When your pet (parrots, pigeons, cows, buffalo, goat, camel, or the fish in your aquarium etc.) dies then do cry at the loss? Or you happily cook and eat them?

You will probably say that's just cruel and even rather disgusting.

Do not say it wasn't you who made the kill, my dear reader the chef or that butcher didn't find that animal already dead. That chicken and that Lamb was cut off when it was still alive, that fish who was happily swimming was forced out of the water just so that they could be served in your plate for you to eat them off. The spices used in cooking the meat are way more in number than the spices used to cook vegetarian food, because to melt and press meat's smell spices are needed. Humans can remain healthy without eating meat. Yet if he does so, then its only for the taste. You can eat vegetables and fruits boiled and even raw, but can you eat meat in such way?

Most people do not believe in organ donation after their death because they assume that only half of the body will get salvation, but they do not think the same when misbehaving or eating animals.

1 = Do you believe that animals have feelings just like humans?
2 = Do you think that animals exists so that humans can use them anyway they want?
3 = Do you think that zoo is a place to walk around for fun?
4 = Do you think that if these animals are not killed then their numbers would be higher than humans?
5 = Do you think that milk and eggs counts as vegetation? And one gets stronger when you drink/eat these?

-Yolk is a big part in the egg. It has Saitoplajma (cell-liquid) in it, which contains
life. Egg is a womb juice and eating it as vegetarianism is a fraud.
-Everyone Animal (quadruped) feeds their children and if milk gives you strength then why not sell, lion, elephant or rhinoceros milk?

~ Faster or taller, stronger or heavier; all are vegan = ~

* Horse: The nimble. Weighing 800 to 1,000 kg, height -5 to 7 feet. Attractive, loyal, intelligent and mighty. Diet: grass, grain and gram, pulses
* Unicorn: the most powerful. 5 to 8 feet tall and weigh 2,000 to 3,000 kg. The lion is also afraid of the horns firepower. The distinction could not shoot skinned. Diet: Leaves and grass
* Elephant: the heaviest. Weighing 5,000 kg to 6,000. Height from 8 to 13 feet. Diet: grass, leaves, twig, bark and fruits.
* Giraffe: highest 15 to 19 feet in length and weigh from 900 to 1,200 kg. Direct and Shy creature, the lowest sleep habits. Diet: grass, leaves and fruit.

Seeing the butcher run a knife, the goat said - "If I'm being punished for eating the green grass, then what will happen to those who will kill and then eat me?"

~ Some lie-some truth~

Lies about vegetarianism: low protein, low iron, vitamins, less powerful, less refreshing, weak nutrition.

Truth about vegetarianism: rich in protein, adequate iron, only vegetation have protein, proper fat, rich in fiber, complete nutrient.

Whether you believe it or not but many of the important things in your life are given by the wildlife and pets, whom you did not kill but they were killed to meet your needs. Every year millions of insects and birds killed for medicines, clothes and other essential items. All this even though there are other options that doesn't involve ending innocent lives:-

1 = pharmaceuticals: the variety of herbs, plants and natural resources.
2 = Leather: jute, ramie, synthetic leather, cotton, Linin, spun glass, vinyl, Altrasud and Plithr.
3 = Cosmetic: Vegetable Stiarik acid, clay, neem, aloe vera, Tea Tree, Rosemary, Kendelila, vegetable wax, marigold, Gudhl, rose and sunflower, strawberries, oranges, coconut, watermelon, nuts, melon, olives and salt.
4 = fur and wool: synthetic fibers and fur, polyester, bombax and plant fibers.
5 = meat and foods: coarse grains, pulses, soybeans, fruits, vegetables.

Silk is a very light. 100 grams thread takes approximately 1500 Illion life. Imagine a 5 meter long shiny silk sari, which means the death of approximately 50,000 Illion. To get the silk, the cocoon is injected in the hot steam, alive.

Animals (the non vegetarian ones) hunts to survive, to fill its stomach, but we turn towards animality for taste and fun. Just as you and I have a soul, so dies animals. We see that when animals (cow, dog, horse or bird, etc.) gets in our touch, they are so loyal towards us and becomes such a dear to us. Every being have the right to live, it is born with this right. In the 18th century humans came to an understanding of human rights, in the 19'th century slaves got their rights, in the 20'th century women got their rights, and now in the 21'st century animals should get their rights too.

Monday 3 August 2015

#Haiku इश्क

दावतें इश्क
कॉलेज केंटीन की
याद आती है :)

मनीषा शर्मा~

Sunday 2 August 2015

#Haiku दहलीज

दहलीज पे
कपाट जरूरी है
हादसों का क्या..

मनीषा शर्मा~

कपाट - Door