Tuesday 19 May 2015

Benefits of being short-tempered

You must have heard that sweet tongue can won a heart, but how is it amazing!

The real fun is when despite your stern temper you maintain your foothold, hose who are yours loves you.

Know about the benefits of being irritable and short-tempered.

From childhood we have heard that good humor is essential in ones nature. If you are a jolly and amiable fellow, then your life shall become easier. If you are soft by nature then people shall always linger around you.

So today tie a tight knot of what I’m about to say; jolliness and friendliness can also prove you to be fawning and stupid, and people shall be trying to take advantage of you all the time. If you want to live chicly, boldly and with dignity, then you need to become absolutely irritable, short-tempered and stubborn so that no little rotted self will dare to cheat you and not an iota of your work gets stuck in any unnecessary obstacle. Do this, and everyone would do you work first just to dispatch you first.
Mothers always tell the kids and husband endearingly to not to leave the wet towel here and there, that the floor is wet as it has just been mopped so sit at one place, put the plate in the sink once you have eaten, come home early, help with some house chores, at least on holidays; but husbands and kids never listen. Now, if she says all this as a short-tempered and irritable mother/wife, nobody will dare to refuse her, in fact they will do few extra works. Husbands will never dare to bring his office’s irritation back at home. A short-tempered wife at home and a short-tempered boss in the office, keeps a man always keeps a man alerted and he does his work on time. He does not do much interference and do not needs to use much of his brain either.

Now if you are a loyal girlfriend, are beautiful and refined, cheerful and sociable; then your boyfriend will take you lightly. He will prefer to watch a football or cricket match rather than watching a movie with you, your boyfriend’s friends will always try to flirt with you; but if you are irritable, short-tempered and rude then instead of watching Gayle’s batting, your boyfriend will watch a movie with you and his friends will stop flirting with you and will respect you from the bottom of their heart.

If you are happy then you will be healthy; you will be hungrier, you will eat more and get fat cheeks, two or three tires for the waist and belly. But if you are short-tempered , spleen and sometimes coarse then you will never get fat and won’t have to worry about finding one tip or another for weight loss. You shall just scream and screaming shall reduce your calories. Those with good-humor have to keep many things pressed inside their heart, as a result the heart feel heavy-heavy. You will feel ripped off, will want to use your hands and tongue but the good-humor will stop you from doing so. You will smile and smile and will talk with a sweet tongue, will suppress the anger; this shall be the cause of your growing blood-pressure, you will get a headache, will face intestinal injury, and will have a burden on your heart. Wow, it’s the perfect recipe for your health to deteriorate and your doctor’s big bank balance.

So thank me while you try the benefits I have taught you of being short-tempered, irritable, rude and sometimes coarse.


  1. Is this written in jest or seriously..?

  2. Ha ha ha:) Delightful indeed! Enjoyed:)

    1. Hahaha Thank u Amit, for catching and understanding the humour in this :)

  3. Blowing the top really helps...at times...though..just to vent out...

    1. I agree with you Specs, it is better just to vent out. Thank you so much for taking out time to read my work :)

  4. LOL, that's one brand new perspective to look at it.

    1. Saru, there is one positive thing in every negative thing. The trick is to turn it all in your favor :D
